Urgent assistance?


Omega Warrior

Problem with the following code:

Public Sub RecursiveDeleteDirectory( _

ByVal AsDirectoryName As String, _

ByVal AbDeleteSubDirectories As Boolean, _

ByVal AbDeleteFolders As Boolean)

' If we should delete our subdirectories too,

' browse first through all our subdirectories

If AbDeleteSubDirectories Then

Dim m_sSubdirectoryName As String

'Browse through the subdirectories

For Each m_sSubdirectoryName In _


'Delete everything in the current subdirectory

'by calling this function recursively

RecursiveDeleteDirectory _

(m_sSubdirectoryName, _

AbDeleteSubDirectories, _


'Check if we need to delete the empty folders

If AbDeleteFolders Then


End If


End If

'After we browsed through all the subdirectories

'we can delete all the files in this directory

Dim m_sFileName As String

'Browse through each file in the directory and delete it

For Each m_sFileName In _


System.IO.File.Delete(m_sFileName) 'When the error shows this line of
is marked green


End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

RecursiveDeleteDirectory("C:\SVINJA", True, False)

End Sub

End Class

When i execute this i get the following error message:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.UnauthorizedAccessException'
in mscorlib.dll

Additional information: Access to the path "C:\SVINJA\SET3.tmp" is denied.

And the access is urely allowed, and i'm the administrator!

Please assist!

Thank You!

Andrej Tozon

I guess the directory is simply acting its name... ;)
Are you sure the file isn't locked by another process? Can you delete it
with Windows Explorer? And this is probably a winforms app?


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