Uploading a file in ASP



Hi to all,
I have developed an ASP and VXML application.
An ASP page record a video with a form and the VXML tag <record> and
passes the parameters, thanks to a submit and the POST method, to
another ASP page which would have to upload the video on a IIS web
server, but it doesn't work. I can't use any servlet or cgi.
I attach the source code that uploads the video:


dim videofilename
videofilename = "registrazione.3gp"
dim objFS
dim obj3gpFile
set objFS = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set obj3gpFile = objFS.CreateTextFile("d:\video\" & videofilename)
obj3gpFile.writeline request.form("registravideo")

set obj3gpFile = nothing
set objFS = nothing


Can somebody help me?

Thanks a lot.


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