Upgrading Windows



I just bought Windows XP Pro with SP2 and before upgrading my PC, I would
like to know if, like other previous version of Windows, the upgrade will
remove all the program icons of my start menu. I do remember that when I
upgraded my PC to W2000, the start menu was reset and I had to reconfigure
all the programs and menu....
Thanks in advance

Jed Sheckler

I'm not sure about that, but have you considered doing a clean install of
XP, on either a new disk or a new partition on your current disk? This
tends to cause many fewer problems than an upgrade over your existing OS,
and Microsoft's included File and Settings Transfer Wizard works extremely
well at moving stuff over. You'll have to re-install programs, but you will
have a much cleaner install than doing an upgrade. And doing it on a new
disk allows you to keep the old disk as a backup until you are absolutely
certain that everything is working properly in XP.


I totally agree...to do a clean install of XP. You just run into fewer
issues all round if you do it that way...and your upgrade XP cd has a full
version of the operating system on it. If it does not see a windows
installation on the hard drive it will ask you for qualifying media. For
example, win95 98 200 etc. Recovery disks from OEM's do not count as
qualifying media. You have a windows installed so there will not be a
problem...it will not prompt you during installation.

If you feel you must do the upgrade thing it SHOULD keep all of your
settings BUT it is a HUGE task for XP to do, so I always recommend backing up
important data before running an upgrade. Also, I would actually uninstall
any Antivirus software or Internet Security software if you are going to do
an upgrade. Things go much smoother without this running on the system. Of
course the big thing to do is to pop the upgrade cd in and run the
compatibility check. Any software found that's incompatible...uninstall
before running upgrade. Make a note of the drivers that will need to be
updated. Like if your network card is not going to be recognized in XP, go
to the manufacturer's website and download the drivers BEFORE installing XP.

Good luck with the transition.

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