Upgraded NT4 domain Query



Hi, I am upgrading my old Domains to WIndows 2000 Domain.
After the upgrade all Users go to a Default built in ( no name changeable
container) and Computers go to the Computers Container.)
If i create OU's and move these users to the OU's, whether the Default Group
Policies will also be good after the move.
( i have not created any new policies after the upgrade, everything is
coming from default).


Herb Martin

Sin Joe said:
Hi, I am upgrading my old Domains to WIndows 2000 Domain.
After the upgrade all Users go to a Default built in ( no name changeable
container) and Computers go to the Computers Container.)

Yes, these are equivalent to being at the top level of the
domain -- but they just didn't want to clutter up the actual
domain that way.
If i create OU's and move these users to the OU's, whether the Default Group
Policies will also be good after the move.

Yes, because GPOs are inherited by child OUs.

Site->Domain->OU->childOU->grandchildOU etc.
( i have not created any new policies after the upgrade, everything is
coming from default).

Just don't move the DCs out of the DC OUs. It's
some sort of bug-feature that they MUST be in there.

I have even had poor results with DC->childDC OUs.

(Once I tried to ORGANIZE my DCs.)


Hi Herb,
Thanks a bunch for clarifying this.
However i am still not clear on one point--- about moving the user accounts
to another OU, if i move them to another OU whether the default domain policy
will still be with them?
( i know in other fresh install situation this would be the case, but in an
upgrade scenario is there any change)


Herb Martin

Sin Joe said:
Hi Herb,
Thanks a bunch for clarifying this.
However i am still not clear on one point--- about moving the user accounts
to another OU, if i move them to another OU whether the default domain policy
will still be with them?

Yes, because ALL computer and all OUs of computers
inherit from the Domain down.

Since the Default Domain policy is linked to the domain,
machine in the domain, no matter what OU get that policy,
unless you explicitly block inheritance.
( i know in other fresh install situation this would be the case, but in an
upgrade scenario is there any change)

There is no difference

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