Upgrade system Taking longer to loadup Windows XP


Red Cloud

With new mobo, cpu and fast memory installed, Windows XP loading up
is much longer, Take a 3 time longer to loadup Windows XP than old
system.....I'm trying to fix. I looked at all drivers and find no
conflict at all. .It looks me like new system is not fully compatible
with Windows XP. Old mobo used to load up much faster than this....


Red said:
With new mobo, cpu and fast memory installed, Windows XP loading up
is much longer, Take a 3 time longer to loadup Windows XP than old
system.....I'm trying to fix. I looked at all drivers and find no
conflict at all. .It looks me like new system is not fully compatible
with Windows XP. Old mobo used to load up much faster than this....

Is the extra time spent in the BIOS ?

Is the WinXP boot sequence taking longer ?

You have to separate the two behaviors. Part of the time is
taken by the running of the BIOS code. At some point, the
BIOS hands off control to the OS, and then it would be an
OS issue if it was taking longer.

Perhaps it takes longer to boot, if the hard drive is in
AHCI mode ? You would have needed to install a separate
driver for that (press F6 during installation, use a driver

For the BIOS level, you'd disable unused resources, to
speed up the POST.

In some cases, there is nothing you can do, and it just
takes longer.

There is a tool called "Bootvis", but using it would
only make sense, if you had records for the old system
to compare it to.



Sjouke Burry

Red said:
With new mobo, cpu and fast memory installed, Windows XP loading up
is much longer, Take a 3 time longer to loadup Windows XP than old
system.....I'm trying to fix. I looked at all drivers and find no
conflict at all. .It looks me like new system is not fully compatible
with Windows XP. Old mobo used to load up much faster than this....

Check the drive in system hardware list.

I have seen this when the disk was in PIO mode instead of
DMA mode.
although working correct, the machine becomes dead slow.
Deleting the drive from the list, causing re-install on reboot,
solved my problem.


With new mobo, cpu and fast memory installed, Windows XP loading up
is much longer, Take a 3 time longer to loadup Windows XP than old
system.....I'm trying to fix. I looked at all drivers and find no
conflict at all. .It looks me like new system is not fully compatible
with Windows XP. Old mobo used to load up much faster than this....

I take it that you have re-installed the OS since making the changes...


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