Upgrade FP 2002


Walter R.

I understand that FP 2003 is quite different from FP 2002.

Can I install FP 2003 on top of 2002? Any precautions I should take?

Is it better to uninstall FP 2002 and do a clean install of FP 2003?

Andrew Murray

If you have the upgrade version of Frontpage 2003, yes you can install over
the top (it actually removes FP2002 as part of the install process once it
has verified a previous verison exists as part of it's "upgrade version"

You can also clean-install, just have the FP 2002 installation disk handy as
it will ask you for it to test you own a previous verison.

FP 2003 requires at minimum Windows 2000 (SP4) or XP (Home/pro).

If you currently run a site using the FP2002 extensions, FP2003 has no extra
features i.e. there are no "FP2003 server extensions")....and you can build
sites that will work with server extensions back to FP2000 I think.

But Yes it is quite new and different (especially the GUI itself).

Joe Rohn

Hi Walter,

You have a choice when installing to keep FP 2002 if you like... as well as
installing FP2003. If you do this you can then open either version. (Just
not at the same time) You can also have it overwrite and remove 2002 and
only have 2003.

Thomas A. Rowe

Why would you think you would have to re-build your site in order to publish it to your web host?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Walter R.

Because I was under the impression that FP 3000 has abandoned the FP
Extensions. Since my website, on my computer, and my webhost, utilize
extensions, what will happen if I change to FP 3000 *without* extensions and
try to publish to my old webhost *with* extensions.

Looks like I have a little learning curve ahead of me. Thanks for your help.

The Happy Iconoclast www.rationality.net

Thomas A. Rowe

FP2003 still supports all of the features available under all prior versions of the FP extensions.
Just that there are no new FP2003 specific extensions.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Andrew Murray

If you don't have the FP extensions, then providing your Host allows you
to - use 3rd party equivalents of all the features the FP extensions cover
e.g. a form to mail script, site search engine, bulletin board/discussion
group, include pages, password protection scripts etc

If you have Frontpage and use a server with the extensions it saves you a
lot of extra hunting around or writing these web applications yourself in
the language suitable for your server (PHP, Perl/CGI, ASP etc).

However if you don't use FP extensions and don't have any fancy features,
then you can develope your site in Frontpage and upload through its FTP mode
or use a third party program to uploade (e.g. CuteFTP).

Andrew Murray

You're about a millennium ahead of time! Frontpage 3000? You mean
fronptage 2003.

If you want to swap between hosts with/without FPSE then all you do is add
the features requiring the extensions to the existing site and publish to
the FP extension server/host by http:// mode. If you want to publish to the
site without FPSE then publish in FTP mode from the same local site on your

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