


Whenever I go to update my spware, the computer looks like it is working.
Then if i go right back again and check for updates, it says that i am back
to were i started. Is there anything special i can do to fix this or should
i just delete the program and download the entire new version from the
internet? i think that right now it says i am at 2729 spyware definitions
and trying to upgrade to 2767. I thought that it was just my network...but
it has gone on to long to be something ither then my computer. Any and all
help is welcomed and appreciated.

Dave M

There is a manual update procedure. Follow these steps:

Right click on MSAS icon within systray and choose Shutdown.

Goto these sites:




Save and overwrite if necessary these files to C:\Program files\Microsoft
Antispyware (or your favorite MSAS foldername)

Restart MSAS and "check for updates"

This will fix it immediately, but you might have problems again next update
cycle, having lots of these lately myself on dial-up. Are the servers
overloaded? Started last Friday, then finally fully cleared on Sunday after 12
or so update attempts just using MSAS normal update procedure.


Whenever I go to update my spware, the computer looks like it is working.
Then if i go right back again and check for updates, it says that i am
to were i started. Is there anything special i can do to fix this or
i just delete the program and download the entire new version from the
internet? i think that right now it says i am at 2729 spyware definitions
and trying to upgrade to 2767. I thought that it was just my
it has gone on to long to be something ither then my computer. Any and
help is welcomed and appreciated.

What you can do, is to clean the temp folders (usually C:\Documents and
Settings\username\local settings\temp and c:\Documents and
Settings\username\local settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5 and
delete all the files in those directories and subdirectories). Then try to
perform the update again.

If it does not help, then perform a suggested manual update.


Mikolaj was thinking very hard :
What you can do, is to clean the temp folders (usually C:\Documents and
Settings\username\local settings\temp and c:\Documents and
Settings\username\local settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5 and
delete all the files in those directories and subdirectories). Then try to
perform the update again.

If it does not help, then perform a suggested manual update.

Hi Mikolaj

May I recommend a 3rd party for this, CCleaner ;)



Hi Mikolaj
May I recommend a 3rd party for this, CCleaner ;)


Hi plun,

Yes, it's a very good tool, but in the hands of less computer(or shall I
rather say - Windows)-educated person it may "clean" a little bit too much
for him (the IE history and so on) :) So proceed with caution :)

Bill Sanderson

Please check your program version, via Help, about. I saw a similar symptom
on a laptop I seldom see today, and checked, and it was at version .613. If
you are not at .615, you need to be--download again via the microsoft home
page or www.microsoft.com/spyware/software

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