Updating Values on Pie Chart Labels?


Nolan Haims

Whenever I manually move the value labels on Microsoft Graph pie charts
around, they seem to lose the link the actual data, and so if the chart is
updated, I have to either manually change the data labels or remove them and
reapply them which means I have to start from scratch with arranging them.

Is there any way around this? Any way to force them to update where they

Steve Rindsberg

Whenever I manually move the value labels on Microsoft Graph pie charts
around, they seem to lose the link the actual data, and so if the chart is
updated, I have to either manually change the data labels or remove them and
reapply them which means I have to start from scratch with arranging them.

See if this helps
Reset manually edited chart labels to show automatic text

Brian Reilly, MVP

I respect Steve's suggestion, but as Steve knows, I would never use
MSGrump, I mean MSGraph, to do any of my charting. I would only use
Excel, but tht is me. And I can understand a reason or two to us
MSGrump, Steve and Echo can explain those reasons. I just mostly,
mostly won't do it. Unless a Client pays me a lot of money to do it. A

So, if you can live without MSGrump, then you might want to check into
the Rob Bovey addin for Excel which does a whole heap of this stuff
for you.

I'm not sure this link is going to post in correctly but find Rob by
doing a goodle on"Rob Bovey Chart Labler"

Should work. It's the best chart labeling thing going.

Brian Reilly, MVP

Steve Rindsberg

MVP Brian Reilly said:
I respect Steve's suggestion,

There goes a beautiful relationship. Tsk.

But will you call me in the morning?

FWIW, Nolan, Brian's right. If you can do the job in Excel, you might be a lot
better off.

Sometimes we're stuck with MSGraph, though.

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