Updating my Make Table Query



I currently I am using Access 97, and I have a Make table query that gets its
data from a table. The table can only be edited through forms. When I
create a new record in the table and then try to run the Make table query,
the query does not update, so any new records that I have entered are not
part of the query. Is there something I'm missing?

Van T. Dinh

* How do you "create a new Record in the Table"?

If you create it through the Form, the Record may not have been updated /
saved in the Table as yet so the Make-Table Query can't pick up the new
Record since the Query can only pick up the Records in the Table, not in the
Form buffer.

* Did you check whether the new Record is actually in the Table before
running the Make-Table Query?

* "...to run the Make table query, the query does not update ..."

Did you mean the Make-Table query operates with up-to-date data or updates
the data?

Make-Table Query creates a new Table ...


I do create it through a form. And I have checked it after I created it. It
saves to the table with no problem.

Right now I dont think the Make Table Query is taking the most up to date
information. Because I also tried to just create a new record directly in
the table and save. I then tried to run the make table query and the query
did not find that new record.

I hope this makes things a bit more clear, thank you for your help

Van T. Dinh

Do you have any criteria in the Query?

Did you delete the old destination Table before running the Make-Table
Query? I am not sure whether you get an error or the Make-Table simply
fails silently when the destination Table already exists.

Are you sure the Query use the correct source Table?

Post the SQL String of the Make-Table Query.


Yeah, I dont know what was wrong, but its working now, but thank you for your
help anyway.

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