Updating LINKS when opening a workbook



Hi Excel Experts,

I've stumpled upon a little problem. I will try my best to explai
what I've encounterd.

_*Main_Workbook*_ (let's call this MONTHS workbook).
- in this workbook, there are various columns (ie, Sales, Operations
- in each column under the appropriate categories, a formula is bein
used to gather the data from various files (ie. Sales, Operations
etc.) I've used the SUMIF formula. I've verified the formulas worke
and balanced.

_*Sales_File*_- in this file, the columns are identical to the MAI
WORKBOOK. If a number changes in this file, IT SHOULD change
accordingly in the MAIN WORKBOOK.

When I was testing, I changed a number in cell $D$9 and saved the file
When I open MAIN workbook, it asked if I want to update th
links...HERE'S MY PROBLEM. If I select YES, it will give me #VALUE (
don't want to open the Sales file simultaneously). If I select NO, i
doesn't give me the most updated number.

Am I missing something? :confused:

Your help is greatly appreciated! I spend my weekend doing this fo
work and don't want to see it go to waste...

Thank you in advance

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