Updating from sub form to main form


Robin Chapple

I have a clubs database where members move between clubs. I need to
keep a history.

I have a Members table which includes MemberID and DateJoinedLeague.

The MemberHistory table includes MemberID, ClubID, DateJoinedThisClub
and a DateTerminated field. Active members are found where
DateTerminated is null.

Past history is very patchy and not all members show a
DateJoinedLeague field.

I need to populate the DateJoinedLeague field when we edit an existing
member and the field is empty. The sub form will show
DateJoinedThisClub and I need that to be included in the main form.

Equally when a new member is added I need the DateJoinedLeague field
to be copied from the DateJoinedThisClub field which is on the

I tried this in the sub form which does not work:

Private Sub Form_Current()

If IsNull(Forms!frmMembers![DateJoinedLeague]) Then
Forms!frmMembers![DateJoinedLeague] = [DateJoinedThisClub]
End If

End Sub

Error message:

Runtime error 2448
You can't assign a value to this object.

I am unable to find a specific mention of the subject on Google.
Plenty of 'run time' several '2448' but not together.



Van T. Dinh

Have you checked:

* Whether the MainForm's RecordSource is updateable?
* Whether the AllowEdits Property of the MainForm is set to True?

Van T. Dinh

I think you may need to use the Repaint Method on the Main Form to force the
change to be displayed on the Main Form.

Van T. Dinh

From Access VB Help:

"The Repaint method completes any pending screen updates for a specified
form. When performed on a form, the Repaint method also completes any
pending recalculations of the form's controls."

See Help for more details.

Robin Chapple

Please remember that I am "Getting Started" as the newsgroup name

I have read the Help but obviously do not understand.

Here is my code from the sub form:

Private Sub Form_Current()

If IsNull(Forms!frmMembers![DateJoinedLeague]) Then
***Forms!frmMembers![DateJoinedLeague] = [DateJoinedThisClub]*****1
End If


End Sub

I get an error message:

Error 1448
You can't assign a value to this object

at the line marked with asterisks.


Robin Chapple

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