Updating Cell Values



Ok then, guys i would appreciate some help with this.

I have a excel worksheet which looks at another pc & retrieves values
by a NetDDE link. The values are updated every 15 seconds & then sent
to excel.

Two of the values i transfer is the date & time, this ensures that
people can see the last time the page was updated, this is incase the
link fails.

The time is in cell "I3" & Date in cell "I4"

How can i compare the time in "I3" to the current time?

I would like the current time to update every 20 seconds to allow for
time drifts from the connection.


IF the current time is less than the value in "I3" i would like "J3"
To display "COMS Error" & If it is = to or more than then "j3" should
Display "COMS OK"

The Same goes with the date.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Ash


are the time and date in cells I3 and I$ actual time and date values or are
they text in the form of time and date?

to set a cell with current time and date updated at 20 second intervals you
can use a macro like

Public RunWhen As Double

Sub tmc()
cells(x,y)= Now
RunWhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 20)
Application.OnTime RunWhen, "tmc", , True
End Sub
selecting x,y to be the cell you want the current time/date

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