Updating Bios on a problem PC



Hoping someone could lend advice on updating the bios settings I recieved
from HP concerning my second PC. I have had numerous problems after a
repair, and as is the system continues to fail reading the drive. I have
tried copying .ini and other files from CD but the boot config is stil off.
I have put the HD into my other PC and the data is fine but just unable to
get the #2 back up and running.

Is there a way to read the Bios setting File that I downloaded from HP, this
is the file

without having to execute it. In other words I cant run it on my #1 PC
since it's a different motherboard etc, any help AT ALL will save some of the
few hairs left on my head :<( Thanks


If things dont seem right,unplug computer,remove the battery,clear the
CMOS,to do this,move the CMOS jumper pin on the board from the 1-2
position to the 2-3 position for 1 1/2 minutes.Then move it back to 1-2
replace battery,start computer.You'll need to reset basics in BIOS on
date,time,etc.then go to exit page,set to,"load set up defaults" or "load
settings",then go back into BIOS and adjust for add-ins,etc,then save and
BIOS.Believe it or not,all new pcs or mbs should do this when new,or


Thanks for the reply, but I guess I should have mentioned that I already did
that. I think the problem now is that too many "friends" have tinkered with
it and Somethings just been F'd up fairly good. I have my files copied to
another partition but it's driving (no pun intended) me crazy that I cant get
this thing up and running. Any other suggestions????? I'm game!!


You would be best advised to return it to the place of purchase, replace it
and then STAY OUT OF THE BIOS. The BIOS settings don't change on their own
without tinkering fingers. If you didn't change the settings, why did you
mess with the BIOS settings? Who repoaired it and why?
What made you think you were smart enought to play with something you
didn't (or couldn't ) understand.
Best to remember some good advice: "If it ain't Broke, Don't Fix It"

Alan Smith

Jack said:
You would be best advised to return it to the place of purchase, replace
it and then STAY OUT OF THE BIOS. The BIOS settings don't change on their
own without tinkering fingers. If you didn't change the settings, why did
you mess with the BIOS settings? Who repoaired it and why?
What made you think you were smart enought to play with something you
didn't (or couldn't ) understand.
Best to remember some good advice: "If it ain't Broke, Don't Fix It"

With an exception. There is a battery on the motherboard- when that gets
low your BIOS settings may be lost.


You might be best advised to not assume so much when "answering" a ?.
Reffering to clearing the Cmos JBAT1 jumper or Clearing the Bios Password and
Updating a bios isn't that difficult except when the Pc had a repair done
prior to it being turned over to me, someone put in another hard drive and
processor and changed the bios. I am simply trying to now use Hp's update
Bios .exe to reinstall the original settings with a slightly damaged but
repairable original HD.
Hence my reply would be to check your ego and stop acting like no one but
yourself has any knowledge. If you don't have the answer, then simply DON"T

Alan Smith

So you are saying that a low motherboard battery can't cause problems?

If that is the level of your knowledge then you are best avoided- plonk


Ah the joys of public forums. I am very tolerant and aware that we all have
our bits of knowledge regaring Pc's. But my question was very simple. Is
thier a way to update a MB Bios without having a properly running OS. I have
the update from Hp but it doesn't provide a flash program as it is self
executing. Where I get intolerant is when people chose to "answer" Posts
with smug replies that re completely worthless. If you don't have the answer
then simply don't. All it shows is the persons own ignorance as I am willing
to seek help on questions I have without acting like a know it all or
belittle others. Instead I still haven't had one single worthwhile answer
from those claiming to be so-called experts.

I wasn't asking for opinions rather info so as to eliminate that as a
problem as Hp has identified a Bios problem. Thats all. I appreciate all
help, just not smug relies from ego-maniacs.

Bruce Chambers

clueLESS said:
Ah the joys of public forums. I am very tolerant and aware that we all have
our bits of knowledge regaring Pc's. But my question was very simple. Is
thier a way to update a MB Bios without having a properly running OS.

Certainly. In fact, that's the way a BIOS update is normally
accomplished. One follows the motherboard and/or BIOS manufacturer's
instructions to create a bootable floppy diskette containing the
necessary Flash utility and the new BIOS data file (both provided by the
motherboard/BIOS manufacturer). The state of the OS installed on the
hard drive is completely irrelevant, as it is never used in the BIOS
updating process. In fact, the hard drive really need not be present,
at all.

I have
the update from Hp but it doesn't provide a flash program as it is self

What do the instructions, which should have been located on the same
site from which you downloaded the update, for using this specific
update say? Follow them carefully, and all should be well.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH


Thanks for the info Bruce, unfortunately HP doesn't provide any other means
to update than by dwnldg and execute thier software. What I'm now finding
out is that thier was a partition deleted that contained Hp's recovery and
Windows Os key info which was done as a, I have no idea, I can acess the HD
info just can't get the boot working again. And since he deleted Hp's
Recovery creation Program I am about to just apply sledge hammer to HD and
wish I never offered to help. Thanks for your help though.


clueLESS said:
Thanks for the info Bruce, unfortunately HP doesn't provide any other
to update than by dwnldg and execute thier software. What I'm now finding
out is that thier was a partition deleted that contained Hp's recovery and
Windows Os key info which was done as a, I have no idea, I can acess the
info just can't get the boot working again. And since he deleted Hp's
Recovery creation Program I am about to just apply sledge hammer to HD and
wish I never offered to help. Thanks for your help though.

Is there some substantive reason why you think a BIOS upgrade is the
solution to your problem? As I recall from your previous postings, your
(your friend's?) HD became corrupted for unexplained reasons and is not
bootable. Unless you have some evidence to the contrary, that doesn't sound
like a BIOS upgrade is the "fix" in this situation.

You mentioned that the recovery partition cannot be accessed. Have you been
in touch with HP to provide you (there may be a nominal cost) with a
recovery CD? Might not that be an area to explore?


I wanted 2 update the bios as there where several noted problems, but also
because HP had a priority update due to problems while using certain recovery
software and the console itself. Because I only have partial info on exactly
what was done prior to having the "pleasure" 2 work on it, it is just a step
I wanted 2 take. And yes the Recovery cd from Hp is a thought but not nearly
as cheap as one might think, but better than running around in circles I
guess. We'll see.

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