Updating Antivirus sdat across network


Damian Menendez

I am trying to update each pcs Mcafee sdat file by adding
a line in the log on script unfortunately my users do not
have administrator rights to their local pcs. Is there a
way for this to work with out making them local admins.?

Any help would be appreciated.



Matthew Jones

I used to love McAfee AV - At my current employer we use Norton Corporate
Edition -

I WILL NEVER GO BACK! N.A.V. is a great product!


HAve you found a solution to this problem yet?
What I did was make a bat file that maps a drive, in the
bat file, you add "user:administrator password"

Replace admininstrator with your admin account and
password with your password.

then add the sdat /f /silent

this work for me

and remember to add the net use x: /delete to remove the

good luck and please let me know if it work for you


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