updating an arraylist between postbacks caused by Calendar Selecti



I have two arraylists that populate two Grid controls.
I have two Calendar controls to select a 'From' and 'To' date to filter what
is in the grid for subsequent filtered views of the what is contained in the
lower grid.

The rows of the grid are derived unbound through an arraylist of objects
that contain the column values. I am using Session Variables to store the
arraylist contents on the inital Page_Load after making initial database
selects to populate the grid. BuildGrid() is called at the end of the
Page_Load when IsPostBack = False.

A postback is called on the Calendar SelectionChanged event and one of the
arraylists is updated with the new filtered contents. Whether I call the
BuildGrid() function straigthaway after the database call, or
response.redirect back to the page for the Page_Load to take effect, the
results are that I never see the grid updated witht the new values. Or one of
the arraylists has become "nothing."

How should I handle these arraylists in the Calendar SelectionChanged event?
Are Session Variables always re-initialized with any values assigned to them?

Thank you for any help, even if it is just a request to be more clear! -hazz


I ended up making the database calls directly before the grid building. There
are no state problems anymore and no Session variable complications. It
works. -hazz

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