Updates failed..1160 critical errors.help



Windows XP home SP2. All microsoft updates have failed..Why? Now I keep
having a screen pop up to tell me I have 1160 critical errors. My files that
I save are saved to so many different files that I didn' know I even had!
Please help!


aszrbailey said:
Windows XP home SP2. All microsoft updates have failed..Why? Now I
having a screen pop up to tell me I have 1160 critical errors. My
files that I save are saved to so many different files that I didn'
know I even had! Please help!

From where is this screen coming? Please quote the exact error message.
I'm also not sure what you mean by the "files that I save are
saved...". With so little information provided by you, all I can
suggest is that you first determine if your computer is completely
virus/malware-free. Here is a link to help you with that:


Once you know the computer is completely clean, if you are still having
problems and would like help from this newsgroup, please go to the
following link to see what information you should include in your post:


The alternative is to take your computer to a professional computer
repair shop (not your local version of BigStoreUSA). There is no shame
in doing this; we all have our areas of expertise.


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