update the value of a databound column within a datagrid



How do I update the value of a databound column within my datagrid from
within the SelectedIndexChanged event of a dropdownlist, also found within my
I believe I need to determine the row I'm on but I don't know how to get that.


Patrick, thank you but I guess I wasn't specific enough...I can get to the
info in the dropdownlist, what I want to do is set the text in a bound column
when the user selects something in a dropdownlist.

Here's my selectedindexchanged event for my ddl...

public void ddlResp_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
dgResolution.Items[rownbr].Cells[10].Text = Session["userID"].ToString() ;

I don't know how to get 'rownbr' in order to say which row of the datagrid
to update - does this make sense?

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