Update the MDE_FE & other ?'s



I may have gotten in over my head too quickly. =) I followed Joan's much
needed advice and finally figured out how to secure my database, split it,
and get it out on the shared drive. I've got the paths down. It all seems
to be working thus far save for finishing some permissions. Reading further
I have seen that it is best to change my front end MDB to MDE so my
adventurous coworkers don't peruse through code or designs. I have done that
as well. Here is what I have and it's seeming to get a little much.
I put a copy of the FE.MDE in C:\Open\Database\DB_FE.MDE as I don't have
access to the recommended path of documents and settings\All
users\application data...etc and the company isn't planning on giving me
permissions, but C:\Open is still a general area that everyone can get to and
this is where I am placing everyones own copy of the front end (on their
computers) then creating a shortcut on their desktop. So far, so good.
In the shared drive I have created a folder that is currently holding my
FE.MDE, BE and MDW files. I have also put the FE.MDB file as well as I
assume I need that to make any changes to the database?? I guess this is
where I come to a halt. I now have 3 shortcuts on my desktop.
1.To the secure MDE that is pathed to C:\Open which is linked to the BE in
the shared drive.
2. To the secure MDB that is in the shared drive
3. A general path that "Users" group would have to check that my permissions
were set up correctly for that group.

My first question.... How do I update an MDE front end? I assume I would
make the changes on the MDB and then somehow copy them over to the MDE???
And then use the magical Auto FE Updater to update everyone elses copies??

My second question
I'm not clear on the Auto FE Updater. I understand what it's supposed to do
and how it's supposed to work but if I put a copy of the db on each user's
computer and then map a shortcut to that file..... how does putting an
updated version on the server update their copy on their computer? The
database in their C:\Open folder is not linked to the copy in the server, not
the front end anyway, the tables are linked to the back end which is on the
server.... Am I making sense on why that doesn't make sense to me? If it
works, it works and that's great but I'd like to know a little detail. It
seems some explanations get left out for us newbies by all the power users
because they've done it so many times or had to explain it so many times
where maybe you're thinking something is just understood and it's not to us.
God bless your patience with us!!!! =D
I've downloaded the updater and the jist of what I've seen is, here's the
product, here's what it's supposed to do... But I haven't found the "Now that
I've downloaded it, what the heck do I do with it?!?!" instructions. (I'm not
a techie, obviously)
I know this is a long post, forgive me. But now after I finally went
through all this trouble of getting everything set up, my boss tells me I
have to change one of my main reports in order for the state to accept it
(training reimbursements). I know the ideal situation would be to deploy the
copies when the db is 100% but that's dream talk! Lol. Any advice,
suggestions, comments are GREATLY appreciated. I don't know what I'd do
without people like Joan and all the others that have helped me along the


I assume you are talking about the AutoFEUpdater provided by Tony Toews?

It is just a matter of setting up the .ini file to inform the Updater where
your new .mde is, where to copy it on the user's machine etc. The updater
checks to see if the file creation date is more recent than the current
version on the user's machine and if it is, copies the new version over.

You need 2 shared folders on your server. One for the AutoFEUpdater and one
where you upload the latest version of your .mde. In fact, any files that are
in this folder are copied to the user's machine in the folder specified in
the .ini file.

Each user should have a shortcut to the updater (StartMDB.EXE).

That's it really. The trickiest part is getting all the settings right in
the .ini file. It's not as complicated as it seems... I have used it a couple
of times and it works great!

If you need help with the INI file, post back listing the path and folder
1. Updater folder (Server)
2. Folder containing your update (Server)
3. Common application folder on all user machines

Also, whether you are using mapped drive letters or UNC.


Joan Wild

You don't need to keep the mdb on the server (except for backup purposes).

You'd have the mdb on your PC (I'd also suggest you have a copy of the backend on your PC, and you link to it while you make design changes and test). Make the design changes there. Once you've tested, you'd relink to the live backend, create the MDE and copy it to the server. The AutoFE Updater will take care of copying it to you your users, as Steve explained.


Yes, that's the one.
So... in my shared drive, I have to go through a couple folders to get to
where I put the database stuff, but in the "database" folder I'd need the
back end, a folder containing the AutoFEUpdater and a folder containing the
mde front end?
And then each user needs a shortcut to the StartMDB.exe AND to the front end
on their machine? Or the StartMDB will look for updates and then open the

I linked to the tables using letters. I found the other path but when I go
through the Link Table Manager, I can't go through the network. It tells me
I don't have access. Could I have my IT guy sign in the admin account on his
computer and map it?? Corporate sees no reason to give me access to anything
I don't already have. But this is for this office and only people in this
office will use it, so everyone is going to the same shared drive the same
way. Here are my paths:

1. S:\SHARED\Training All\Training Database\DatabaseAdmin\AutoFEUpdater
2. S:\SHARED\Training All\Training Database\DatabaseAdmin\MDE\OB_TDB_FE.MDE
3. C:\Open\TrainingDatabase

1 & 3 end in the folders, then whatever you need to add after that. The
copy of the front end in each users computer would be

I was told C:\Open would work the same as C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data...etc. Again, I don't have access to the Application
Data folder and they aren't planning on granting it to me.
I've never used INI files before. All this is relatively new to me. I just
thought I'd be building a simple database and turns out I've turned into a
beginning programmer and tech =) Which is all well and good with me, I like
learning this stuff.


Ohhhh, So I make whatever updates on the mdb on my pc and then make an mde
file and Replace the mde on the server. That makes much more sense! I'm a
little gun shy about making any changes to the db since I finally got the
securities down. I'm so worried I'll mess it up somehow and have to start
over!!! =D
I wasn't sure where I needed to keep the tests and backups of my db, if for
some reason they needed to be on the server. So I will take all those down
and just keep them on my pc (with back ups of course!!)
Thanks again Joan!!


1. S:\SHARED\Training All\Training Database\DatabaseAdmin\AutoFEUpdater
2. S:\SHARED\Training All\Training Database\DatabaseAdmin\MDE\OB_TDB_FE.MDE
3. C:\Open\TrainingDatabase

Ok so:
1. Put your AutoFEUpdater files here including INI files.
2. I'd name this: S:\SHARED\Training All\Training
Database\DatabaseAdmin\MDEUpdate\OB_TDB_FE.MDE just so you always know that
is the folder where you upload your updates.
3. Ok you just put this in your INI file.

I presume you already have a folder for your BE on the server. We don't need
to know because your FE deals with that.

You should check the documentation for how to build you ini file. There is a
simple version supplied to give you a start. You can add things to it as you
go along.
MainApp = 3
Server = 2

Note: You must use " " if your path has any spaces!

Other settings are related to messages used by StartMDB.EXE and your
security settings etc.

Once you've got it set up, double click the StartMDB.EXE file in your
AutoFEUpdater folder. You can then check the INI file. If it passes, you
should be ready to go. Just copy a shortcut to StartMDB.EXE to each user's

Always keep a backup copy of your FE and BE .mdb's.
Always make a backup of your FE .mdb before converting to an MDE



1. S:\SHARED\Training All\Training Database\DatabaseAdmin\AutoFEUpdater
2. S:\SHARED\Training All\Training Database\DatabaseAdmin\MDE\OB_TDB_FE.MDE
3. C:\Open\TrainingDatabase

Ok so:
1. Put your AutoFEUpdater files here including INI files.
2. I'd name this: S:\SHARED\Training All\Training
Database\DatabaseAdmin\MDEUpdate\OB_TDB_FE.MDE just so you always know that
is the folder where you upload your updates.
3. Ok you just put this in your INI file.

I presume you already have a folder for your BE on the server. We don't need
to know because your FE deals with that.

You should check the documentation for how to build you ini file. There is a
simple version supplied to give you a start. You can add things to it as you
go along.
MainApp = 3
Server = 2

Note: You must use " " if your path has any spaces!

Other settings are related to messages used by StartMDB.EXE and your
security settings etc.

Once you've got it set up, double click the StartMDB.EXE file in your
AutoFEUpdater folder. You can then check the INI file. If it passes, you
should be ready to go. Just copy a shortcut to StartMDB.EXE to each user's

Always keep a backup copy of your FE and BE .mdb's.
Always make a backup of your FE .mdb before converting to an MDE




Thanks for the help. Below is what I used. I took the Secured INI example
and put in my paths. When it came down to User Name and Password, I used
mine (the administrator). When I ran the file it just came up with an error
saying that access was denied and I clicked ok and another box came up saying
it was unable to create the shortcut for unknown reasons.....
2 questions. What am I doing wrong? =)
And for the user name and password do I use mine the one time to create the
shortcut then copy that to other users or will I have to set one up for each
computer I go to?
Also you said to make the Startmdb shortcut... is that in place of the the
access shortcut I would have created for each user to their FE??
Thanks in advance

Server="S:\SHARED\Training All\Training Database\DatabaseAdmin\MDEUpdate"
LockoutMsg=Sorry, not allowed into the system right now.
SupportMsg=Please contact your computer department for support.
CommandLine=/wrkgrp "S:\SHARED\Training All\Training

ShortCutName=Secured Shortcut on Desktop

MDWFile="S:\SHARED\Training All\Training
MDWPassword=(Password is encrypted)


Copied fron Tony Toews' site:
MDWFile=Q:\My Access directory\security.mdw
This contains the path and name of the MDW file which you used to secure the
Access front end MDB

Note that you will also need to pass the path and name of the MDW file to
Access. Thus you will want to have a CommandLine option similar to
CommandLine=/wrkgrp "Q:\My Access directory\security.mdw"
If there are any spaces in the folder path you will have to put double
quotes around the path and file name.

This needs to be an Access account which can have very limited rights to the
front end MDB.

MDWPassword=password or "(Password is encrypted)"
Note that when you run this utility for the first time it will replace the
password with the text "(Password is encrypted)" and create an
MDWPasswordEncrypted entry in the INI file. Should you decide to change the
password in the future replace "(Password is encrypted)" with your clear text
password. The utility will automatically update the MDWPasswordEncrypted to
the new encrypted password.

MDWFile and MDWPassword have occasional problems with deciphering the
password. I haven't yet been able to reproduce the exact problem so I'm at a
bit of a loss on this one. However I do now have someone with this problem
on some systems and should be making some progress on this problem soon.

MDWPasswordEncrypted=encrypted password
This is the above MDWPassword in encrypted hexadecimal format.
</End Quote>

Could be something to do with the above...
One thing, you should try just having the /wrkgrp switch in the Commandline
setting and put the path to the .mdw in the MDWFile setting.

Sorry, I haven't used it with an .mdw since I mostly create bespoke apps and
build security into them when required.
Also you said to make the Startmdb shortcut... is that in place of the the
access shortcut I would have created for each user to their FE??

Yes. The shortcut on each users' desktop should be to the AutoFEUpdater.


Pixie78 said:

Thanks for the help. Below is what I used. I took the Secured INI example
and put in my paths. When it came down to User Name and Password, I used
mine (the administrator). When I ran the file it just came up with an error
saying that access was denied and I clicked ok and another box came up saying
it was unable to create the shortcut for unknown reasons.....
2 questions. What am I doing wrong? =)
And for the user name and password do I use mine the one time to create the
shortcut then copy that to other users or will I have to set one up for each
computer I go to?
Also you said to make the Startmdb shortcut... is that in place of the the
access shortcut I would have created for each user to their FE??
Thanks in advance

Server="S:\SHARED\Training All\Training Database\DatabaseAdmin\MDEUpdate"
LockoutMsg=Sorry, not allowed into the system right now.
SupportMsg=Please contact your computer department for support.
CommandLine=/wrkgrp "S:\SHARED\Training All\Training

ShortCutName=Secured Shortcut on Desktop

MDWFile="S:\SHARED\Training All\Training
MDWPassword=(Password is encrypted)

SteveM said:
Ok so:
1. Put your AutoFEUpdater files here including INI files.
2. I'd name this: S:\SHARED\Training All\Training
Database\DatabaseAdmin\MDEUpdate\OB_TDB_FE.MDE just so you always know that
is the folder where you upload your updates.
3. Ok you just put this in your INI file.

I presume you already have a folder for your BE on the server. We don't need
to know because your FE deals with that.

You should check the documentation for how to build you ini file. There is a
simple version supplied to give you a start. You can add things to it as you
go along.
MainApp = 3
Server = 2

Note: You must use " " if your path has any spaces!

Other settings are related to messages used by StartMDB.EXE and your
security settings etc.

Once you've got it set up, double click the StartMDB.EXE file in your
AutoFEUpdater folder. You can then check the INI file. If it passes, you
should be ready to go. Just copy a shortcut to StartMDB.EXE to each user's

Always keep a backup copy of your FE and BE .mdb's.
Always make a backup of your FE .mdb before converting to an MDE


Tony Toews [MVP]

SteveM said:
MDWFile and MDWPassword have occasional problems with deciphering the
password. I haven't yet been able to reproduce the exact problem so I'm at a
bit of a loss on this one. However I do now have someone with this problem
on some systems and should be making some progress on this problem soon.

Oops. I've figured out that problem.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog - http://msmvps.com/blogs/access/

Tony Toews [MVP]

Pixie78 said:
I was told C:\Open would work the same as C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data...etc. Again, I don't have access to the Application
Data folder and they aren't planning on granting it to me.

Clearly your corp has set C:\Open as their standard folder.

However the user folder in Documents and Settings should've worked.
For example on my system C:\Documents and Settings\ttoews\Application

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog - http://msmvps.com/blogs/access/

Tony Toews [MVP]

SteveM said:
I assume you are talking about the AutoFEUpdater provided by Tony Toews?

Thanks muchly for your assistance. I've been at a family reunion and
am catching up on the newsgroup postings.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog - http://msmvps.com/blogs/access/



Since this is your design maybe you know the issue?? I have tried
everything Steve said and I am still getting an error in the end. I run the
Validate INI and it's fine but then I actually Run the INI it tells me
"Could Not Create shortcut. Error is 70 - Permission denied."
I click ok and another box comes up and says:
"1030 - Shortcut creation was not succesful for unknown reasons."

I am using my user name and password to create the shortcut, I am the owner
of the database and have the Admins permissions. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks.

John W. Vinson

Since this is your design maybe you know the issue?? I have tried
everything Steve said and I am still getting an error in the end. I run the
Validate INI and it's fine but then I actually Run the INI it tells me
"Could Not Create shortcut. Error is 70 - Permission denied."
I click ok and another box comes up and says:
"1030 - Shortcut creation was not succesful for unknown reasons."

I am using my user name and password to create the shortcut, I am the owner
of the database and have the Admins permissions. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks.

PMFJI but... this is *NOT* a problem with Access or with Access security. The
"Permission Denied" message means that Windows has not given you permission
to create the shortcut file (the little 70-byte thing) in the folder where you
are trying to do so.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

Tony Toews [MVP]

Pixie78 said:
Since this is your design maybe you know the issue?? I have tried
everything Steve said and I am still getting an error in the end. I run the
Validate INI and it's fine but then I actually Run the INI it tells me
"Could Not Create shortcut. Error is 70 - Permission denied."
I click ok and another box comes up and says:
"1030 - Shortcut creation was not succesful for unknown reasons."

I am using my user name and password to create the shortcut, I am the owner
of the database and have the Admins permissions. Any help would be

This is Windows permissions problem and not an Access problem. In a
previous posting you had the following;


And I suspect you aren't allowed to update the Common Desktop as only
an administrator can do so. Or however your IT department has
specified things.

So I'd just create the shortcut on the Desktop not the Common Desktop.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog - http://msmvps.com/blogs/access/


That was exactly it, Thank you!!

Final questions... I have used my user name and password for the INI file as
it's the only one it would accept because it has all the permissions. What
happens if I change that password at some time? Do I just update the INI
file in the shared folder? (sounds simple, just checking)
And to get my other users going on this.. I need to put a copy of the front
end in their C:\Open and then go to the shared drive where the AutoFEUpdater
folder is and run the StartMDB just like I did from my computer and it'll all
be good?

I'm so glad it's finally working! At least on my computer!!
Oh, I do actually have access to the ApplicationData folder, they just told
me I didn't but I quickly found out it was just hidden and not locked or
anything. But I'm sticking with the C:\Open since they said that's our
everyone folder and what I was allowed to use.

Thanks for all the help from everyone!! =D

Tony Toews [MVP]

Pixie78 said:
That was exactly it, Thank you!!

Final questions... I have used my user name and password for the INI file as
it's the only one it would accept because it has all the permissions. What
happens if I change that password at some time?

The Access userid and password only needs very minimal access to the
MDB. Also the password is encrypted using Microsoft encryption so
it's relatively secure.
Do I just update the INI
file in the shared folder? (sounds simple, just checking)

Umm, what shared folder? On the server containing the front end that
is copied to the client workstations and the back end.
And to get my other users going on this.. I need to put a copy of the front
end in their C:\Open and then go to the shared drive where the AutoFEUpdater
folder is and run the StartMDB just like I did from my computer and it'll all
be good?

No, you do not need to put a copy of the FE on the client computer.
All the user, or you, is to click on a shortcut or .cmd file on the
server and the Auto FE Updater will do the work including creating any
folders required.

To create that shortcut on the server you copy the shortcut the system
created on your system to the server folder.
But I'm sticking with the C:\Open since they said that's our
everyone folder and what I was allowed to use.

Reasonable enough.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog - http://msmvps.com/blogs/access/


Thanks for all the help, I've got it all up and running. I could only use
the administrators user name and password, any others I tried it just said I
didn't have the necessary permissions. But as you said the password is
encrypted and I doubt we have any serious computer people here that would
even know how to attempt to do anything to breach security. I'm all set,
thanks again for all the help! =)

Tony Toews [MVP]

Pixie78 said:
Thanks for all the help, I've got it all up and running. I could only use
the administrators user name and password, any others I tried it just said I
didn't have the necessary permissions. But as you said the password is
encrypted and I doubt we have any serious computer people here that would
even know how to attempt to do anything to breach security. I'm all set,
thanks again for all the help! =)

Glad to hear you have it working.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog - http://msmvps.com/blogs/access/

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