Update related tables with 1 input box

Jul 24, 2007
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I am relatively new to Access (2003) and I'm trying to create a capability to gather several pieces of data from an input box and write the values to a record in a table. Using a combo box, the first piece of data collected is the primary key of a related table and I need to add this to the related table if it doesn't exist.

In real time, I have a job table and a client table with a one to many relationship (one client may have many jobs) and when I create a new job I want to choose the client from the combo box. If the client doesn't exist I want to redirect to another separate input box and create a client record, then return to the original input box with the new client displayed in the combo box. I can then populate a few more fields in the original input box and finish creating my job record. I don't want to enter the data directly in the main job form as the data that I initially need is viewed in different parts of the form and it will be inefficient to gather it in the main form.

I am quite comfortable in manipulating the code once I have the basic foundations so if anyone could give me a starting point it would be most appreciated.

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