Update Query with date criteria



Can someone please help?

I've modified a update query to only update from a specified date in the
criteria field, this is run along with a delete and append queries, this is
to import data from one DB to Another, however if I remove the criteria this
works fine, but as soon as as I put a criteria in the underlying query I get
a Error 3061 message, can one of you good people please help me out coz this
is driving me nuts.


Allen Browne

You have a name in the query (in the Criteria row?) that Access cannot

If you run the query manually, it will ask for a parameter. To execute the
query in code you would have to supply the parameter value before you
attempt the execute.


Oh ok any ideas on how to do that? this is to limit the update query to
recent changes and not all records.

Allen Browne

If you wanted the changes in the last 30 days, you could put this into the
Criteria row of your query under the date field:


That works great but assuming I wanted to go back say 6 months or so would
changing the 30 to 180 have the right sort of effect?


This works if I add a minus sign to the 30 otherwise itwas looking at the
next month MTIA

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