Update Query ctnd:



I have tried the code from Arvin however I now get 2 paramater
prompts. The 1st is for "transactions.Datefield" and the 2nd "Please
enter Waiting or Pending"

UPDATE transactions SET transactions.Status = "Cleared"
WHERE (((transactions.datefield)<Date()-10) And
((transactions.Status)=[Please enter Waiting or Pending]));

Can I run this procedure atomatically when the database opens without
the prompts & user input


Douglas J. Steele

The first prompt implies that datefield isn't the actual name of the field
in your transactions table.

The second prompt is because you're telling it to prompt you: that's what
"[Please enter Waiting or Pending]" is (an implicit parameter).

If you expect to find the literal string "[Please enter Waiting or Pending]"
as the status (complete with the square brackets), you need to put quotes
around that string.

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