Update Manager Page Does Not Fully OPen



I tried to open Udate Manager from the Control Panel and find that the page
will only partially load; the top of the page is there but is cut off just
below the header. I am running Windows XP Home Edition (with all the latest
updates and service packs). Have tried to open the page several times and it
won't open. Any clues?


Don said:
I tried to open Udate Manager from the Control Panel and find that the page
will only partially load; the top of the page is there but is cut off just
below the header. I am running Windows XP Home Edition (with all the latest
updates and service packs). Have tried to open the page several times and it
won't open. Any clues?

What "update manager"?

Lem -- MS-MVP

To the moon and back with 2K words of RAM and 36K words of ROM.


rogerthat1945 said:
I have EXACTLY the same -problem; I cannot read or see anything beneath
the box labelled "Update Manager" (Google "Update Manager" if you don't
know what it is)
And guess what it does; or is SUPPOSED to do.

And I have lost count of the amount of Money I have spent with
Microsoft over 17 years I have been buying EVERYthing they churn out.

You are replying to a post from January of 2009 so...
What does *Google* have to say about *their* Update Manager since it has
nothing to do with Microsoft nor Windows XP ?

*-343-* FDNY
Never Forgotten

"Security updates should *never* have *non-security content* prechecked

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