Update info during loop



I have a main page button selection screen to use out in our welcome center.
Users select one of the buttons depending on their program, this button is
then linked to individual .pps for each, and in turn each individual .pps is
then linked to a "common info" ppt show, with general info that is connected
and shown after each individual .pps. These two - the individual and
"common" then loop continuously until the user escapes and returns back to
the home button selection main screen.

I have data (the current date/time) in the "common," or 2nd ppt and this
updates all the time during the loop. I tried putting the date/time in the
1st (individual) .pps but it only updates the first time it's open and does
not refresh or continuously update like the common one does......why?

This is also true for a Liveweb add-in i installed....it updates everytime
for my second show, but will not for the first after the looping.

Bill Dilworth

PowerPoint will update this information whenever the show is opened, so...

Move that slide to a separate presentation - link to the single slide show
(auto advance with no black slide at the end). This way, each time the main
presentation gets to that slide, it will load (therefore updating) display
and close.

You could also do this with a Flash image, but that would require Flash
(duh) or VBA, but that may not work in all cases.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
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