update image



I'm saving image to any folder(no write,read permisions) by using
image1.save method.

I have accomplished this but I want to update this image,I want to change
this image with another image or same image and I use save method but an
error is occurred as "a generic error occurred in gdi+"

How can I accomplish this process?

note : image is taken as

String path;
Stream myStream;

OpenFileDialog openFileDialogPicture = new OpenFileDialog();

openFileDialogPicture.InitialDirectory = "C:\\images\\" ;

openFileDialogPicture.Filter = "picture files(*.jpg)|*.jpg";

openFileDialogPicture.FilterIndex = 2 ;

openFileDialogPicture.RestoreDirectory = true ;

if(openFileDialogPicture.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


if((myStream = openFileDialogPicture.OpenFile())!= null)


path = openFileDialogPicture.FileName;

image1 = Image.FromFile(path);




You have two options for this.
1) When saving the image using the image1.save method make sure that you
delete the existing image and save the new image.
2)Try using a database to store the image path. When loading the image you
can do something like this
Dim img As Image
img = Image.FromFile(imagePath)
picPhoto.Image = img
picPhoto.Width = 126
picPhoto.Height = 95
hope this helps you

Morten Wennevik

Hi brenny,

The image locks the file when you open it directly from a file.
Read the file into a MemoryStream and use Image.FromStream

if((myStream = openFileDialogPicture.OpenFile())!= null)
// Read the file into a byte array, then close the file
byte[] b = new byte[myStream.Length];
myStream.Read(b, 0, b.Length);

// Create a MemoryStream holding the file data
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(b);

// Load the image with Image.FromStream
image1 = Image.FromStream(ms);

// can be used when saving the file
path = openFileDialogPicture.FileName;

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