update db, no errors , no changes

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Hi again
I have already asked this question earlier but I can’t find the
question. So I ask the same question once again.
What I’m trying to do is red data from a simple txt file and create a
new table with the data found in the text file

I can run the program with no errors. The string, SQLstr2, looks just
fine, neither does the execution with, CurrentDb.Execute SQLstr2,
shows any errors.

But the database looks as it did before, no changes.

Is there anyone that cat see what I’ve done wrong or missed to do.

Thanks in advance
Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdImport_Click

Dim bUserSaved As Boolean
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, ,
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec


'MsgBox "New magasine saved"
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.description
End Sub
Function RunTheImport()

On Error GoTo Err_RunTheImport

Dim intFile As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim varArray As Variant
Dim blnHasFieldNames As Boolean
Dim strSQLImport As String
Dim tblImportToSplit As String
Dim strLine As String
Dim check As Boolean
Dim magasineId As Variant
Dim rowid As Variant
Dim magasineName As Variant
Dim boxId As Variant
Dim photoid As Variant
Dim pictureId As Variant
Dim SQLstr1 As String
Dim ny As Boolean

ny = True
Set db = CurrentDb()

strDir = Forms![importWhat]![dir] & "/"
strFile = Forms![importWhat]![file]
strLine = strDir & strFile & ".txt"
intFile = FreeFile()

Open strLine For Input As #intFile
tblImportToSplit = strLine
'--- Discard the first line in the text file (it contains just
Line Input #intFile, strLine

Do While Not EOF(intFile)
Line Input #intFile, strLine 'ska in någånstans varArray =
Split(strLine, ";")

varArray = Split(strLine, ";")
date = varArray(0)
photoid = varArray(1)
description = varArray(2)
magasineName = varArray(3)

If (ny = True) Then
boxId = DMax("boxId", "Photos", "")
magasineId = "A"
boxId = boxId + 1
pictureId = 1
rowid = DMax("rowId", "Photos", "")
rowid = rowid + 1
ny = False
date = varArray(0)
photoid = varArray(1)
description = varArray(2)
magasineName = varArray(3)
rowid = rowid + 1
pictureId = pictureId + 1
End If

SQLstr2 = "INSERT INTO Photos ( rowId, boxId, magasineName,
description, photoId, pictureId, magasineId) VALUES(" & _
rowid & ", " & boxId & ", '" & magasineName & "',
'" & description & "', " & photoid & ", " & pictureId & ", '" &
magasineId & "'); "
CurrentDb.Execute SQLstr2, dbFailOnError
Close #intFile

Exit Function

'Debug.Print Forms("Order Entry").OnInsert
MsgBox Err.description

End Function
I have already asked this question earlier but I can't find the
question. So I ask the same question once again.
What I'm trying to do is red data from a simple txt file and
create a new table with the data found in the text file

I can run the program with no errors. The string, SQLstr2, looks
just fine, neither does the execution with, CurrentDb.Execute
SQLstr2, shows any errors.

But the database looks as it did before, no changes.

Is there anyone that cat see what I've done wrong or missed to do.

What is the error?

And is there some reason why you can't just use DoCmd.TransferText
to import into a buffer table? It has an option that handles column
headers in the first row. The way you're doing it is incredibly
What is the error?

And is there some reason why you can't just use DoCmd.TransferText
to import into a buffer table? It has an option that handles column
headers in the first row. The way you're doing it is incredibly

Hi David

I changed he line:
from CurrentDb.Execute SQLstr2
CurrentDb.Execute SQLstr2, dbFailOnError
Same result no changes what so ever.

The other question
What is the error?
And is there some reason why you can't just use DoCmd.TransferText
to mport into a buffer table? It has an option that handles column
headers in the first row. The way you're doing it is incredibly

The error is that i get no errors during the execution,
nor does the db change.

Thanks för replying.
I changed he line:
from CurrentDb.Execute SQLstr2
CurrentDb.Execute SQLstr2, dbFailOnError
Same result no changes what so ever.

What is CurrentDb.RecordsAffected immediately after
The other question

The error is that i get no errors during the execution,
nor does the db change.

What about DoCmd.TransferText? Is there some reason you can't just
import the data directly and then process it once it's been

What is CurrentDb.RecordsAffected immediately after

What about DoCmd.TransferText? Is there some reason you can't just
import the data directly and then process it once it's been

David W. Fenton                  http://www.dfenton.com/
contact via website only    http://www.dfenton.com/DFA/- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Hi David

I have to admit that you talking about things beyond my knowledge.
I haven't read any books about Access or Visual basic.
I've used the trail and error method.
To be more specific I don'y know what you talking about when you
talking about:
DoCmd.TransferText, CurrentDb.RecordsAffected, CurrentDb.Execute
SQLstr2, dbFailOnError. So I'mblittle bit confused.

You wonder what the error is after I run the CurrentDb.Execute
The only error I get is that the Db is unchanged.

Can you show me some pages to read and realize where to collect
accurent data.

Sorry and thanks
I have to admit that you talking about things beyond my knowledge.
I haven't read any books about Access or Visual basic.
I've used the trail and error method.
To be more specific I don'y know what you talking about when you
talking about:
DoCmd.TransferText, CurrentDb.RecordsAffected, CurrentDb.Execute
SQLstr2, dbFailOnError. So I'mblittle bit confused.

Maybe you should hire somebody who has the expertise you lack. It's
way too much to expect people in the newsgroup to walk you through
fixing the problems.
Maybe you should hire somebody who has the expertise you lack. It's
way too much to expect people in the newsgroup to walk you through
fixing the problems.

I'm gonna try to do it in a sub instead of a function.