update a sheet automatically with changing values from another she




I would like to create a macro so that when I close my workbook, my "total
days" value and "total cost" value (which are in my "Cost Tracking Summary"
Sheet) are added to a new row of a table on a different worksheet, only if
the "Total Days" has changed. These values (Total Days and Total Cost) are
collated from other worksheets.

If anyone can assist me I would greatly appreicate it.

J Sedoff

I am assuming (probably incorrectly) that your Total Days is one cell located
at A2, if not, change it below on line total_days = ...

You should be able to copy this directly into you VB Editor.

Sub Auto_Close() 'For it to run after you close the workbook, the macro
needs to be called "Auto_Close"
Dim total_days As Integer 'Stores the number of total days for today
Dim this_sheet As Worksheet 'The current sheet you are on when you
start the macro

Set this_sheet = ActiveSheet

Sheets("Cost Tracking Summary").Select
total_days = Range("A2").Value 'Retrieve the number of total days from
cell A2

Range("A2:B2").Select 'Copy the contents of A2 (Total Days) and B2
(Total Cost)

Sheets("different worksheet").Select 'Move to the different worksheet
(need to change name to what the worksheet is really called)
Count = 1
While Len(Cells(Count, 1).Value) <> 0 'Find the first unoccupied row in
column A
Count = Count + 1

If Cells(Count - 1, 1).Value <> total_days Then 'If the last occupied
row in Column A does not contain the same value as today's total days, then
paste the values in the first unoccupied row
Range(Cells(Count, 1), Cells(Count, 1)).Select
End If

this_sheet.Select 'Select the sheet the user was on before running the
End Sub

Hope this helps, Jim

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