Unwanted reminders in Outlook 2007 BCM

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I have just added a few contacts to my BCM contact list, and I am getting
reminders - like Task Reminders - popping up every five minutes. When I
dismiss the reminders they aoutmatically regenerate.

Why is it happening? I did not set this up, and cannot find a way to trurn
the reminders off.

How do I stop this from happening?

Hi Bill,

They were just simple task reminders - like the normal ones that pop up in
Outllok. It may have been a glitch. I rebooted the machne and it seems to be
OK now.

Let's see what happens tomorrow...


I am having the same problem with the remiders with the addition of each
business account appearing as if it were a appointment. Making and clearing
the flags on each account had no effect. The business opportunities were also
dispayed in this long list of task reminders. I attempted Outlook
/cleanreminders and Outlook / reset folders to no avail. After several days
the reminder window in Outlook no longer appears. When the program starts I
get a message saying some reminders may not appear. In reality, none of my
Outlook reminders will appear; this Outlook function is completly disabled
and I am quite frustrated
I have this same issue. It keeps coming back after I blow away BCM and
re-create. It will work for about a month then all of a sudden every business
contact I have pops up a reminder. When I dismiss they re-appear a few
minutes later.
That is the same issue alright. When you say "blow away" does that mean you
are uninstalling BCM and reinstalling it? Also, are you using the add in
program Plan-Plus by Franklin Covey. I'm asking these questions as I have yet
to resolve this issue. At this point I'm not been able to get my reminders to
work. I've had to adjust but I'm still hoping to find a solution.
That is the same issue alright. When you say "blow away" does that mean you
are uninstalling BCM and reinstalling it? Also, are you using the add in
program Plan-Plus by Franklin Covey. I'm asking these questions as I have yet
to resolve this issue. At this point I'm not been able to get my reminders to
work. I've had to adjust but I'm still hoping to find a solution.

- Show quoted text -

It sounds like a bug. Reminders shouldn't spontaneously generate. Ask
Microsoft support. They may have a fix for it.
Any update from a MS employee would be nice or the BCM BU. This issue has
surfaced many times and we have seen it in 2003 and 2007. Yes we have been
tracking this issues for about 4 years. One trick that has helped is to drop
the offline database when it happens and re-sync it. We like this product,
although we cannot recommend it to our clients as this seems to be a bug and
not a configuration item. We are able to consistently re-create the issue
across platforms and configurations, although we cannot seem to set this
product up in a manner where this does not happen.
I agree. I installed this in the hopes that it would reduce the number of
different tools needed to run my consulting practice. But the continuing
irritation of the uncontrollable reminders convinced me that this was one
'aid' that I did not need. It looks helpful, superficially, but getting
harrassed over and over again is something I have no time for. SO regretfully
I removed it from my machine. Pity, it looked like such a nice tool. But its
features need to be controllable. If not then it is just a liability.