Unwanted program in startup



Every time I start up my notebook running Windows XP I
have the Transcriber CE install prompt in my startup. I
have tried looking in all of the startup folders and there
are no Transcriber files in there. I also went into
msconfig and found no file there. Is there anywhere else
I need to look? The program seems to have gotten into my
startup file. Can anyone help or direct me to where to
look? I would appreciate your help! Thanks.


Have you looked in the startup folder in your start menu?

You may have a shortcut there. Other than that, try doing
a system wide search on "trans", searching in
hidden&system folders.


Thanks I looked there and nothing was there. I also did a
search and other then the default folder the Transcriber
file or shortcut was nowhere else. It has me frustrated!
Thanks for your help though. Hopefully I'll get more
ideas. Thanks again, I might try uninstalling the
application and then re-installing it. Any other ideas
are welcome!

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