Untyped Datasets - Duplicate Row After Merge - Please HELP!



I had my form working fine with a stronly Typed dataset - now that I have convered it to Untyped - I am getting a duplicate row, only in my child table.

I have the dataadapters configured to NOT refresh the dataset on insert of update. For each table I add to the dataset, I use da.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey.

This is my code to set the relation. I changed the table names to "Parent" and "Child" below for clarity. Parent table is keyed on ConfRegID (Not Autoincrement), child table keyed on AttendeeID (IS Autoincrement).

Dim dcParent As DataColumn = ds.Tables("Parent").Columns("ConfRegID")
Dim dcChild As DataColumn = ds.Tables("Child").Columns("ConfRegID")

Dim fkCon As ForeignKeyConstraint = New ForeignKeyConstraint("RegAttFK", dcParent, dcChild)
fkCon.UpdateRule = Rule.Cascade
fkCon.DeleteRule = Rule.Cascade
fkCon.AcceptRejectRule = Rule.Cascade

Dim relRegAttend As New DataRelation("ConfRegConfAttendee", dcParent, dcChild, True)

I've tried it with and without the middle block - defining the ForeignKeyConstraint (does anyone know why I can't add that after the datarelation? I get an error).

This is my code to save:
daConfRegistation.Update(dsChanges.Tables("Parent").Select("", "", DataViewRowState.Added Or DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent))

ds.AcceptChanges() 'I tried it with and without this line.

Can someone please help - I'm so frustrated by this. I've tried everything I can think of.


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