unsupported controller



Ran the update report on my computer to install windows xp
p. I have devices that prohibit upgrade. My Highpoint
hpt366 ultra dma controller. Does anyone know where to go
to obtain files to correcr this issue?

Bob Knowlden

You may be able to use the Windows 2000 drivers, but there are also beta XP
drivers at:


You may also have to manually delete (or at least rename) the Win9X drivers
manually, if you wish to install XP as an upgrade. It may not matter if you
intend to do a clean install on XP.

If you wish to install XP on a drive attached to the Highpoint controller,
you'll need to have the drivers extracted to a floppy and use the F6 method.

When I was faced with the same issue a couple of years ago, my solution was
to replace the Highpoint controller with an inexpensive PCI controller card
(Promise Ultra100TX2), which is fully supported under XP.

Good luck.

Address altered to avoid spam. Replace nkbob with bobkn.


I am also trying to solve this problem. I know Slot 1 motherboards are a bit old, but is there an easy way to determine if there are any that ARE compatible. The compatability website seems to only have lists for P4 MB and chips. It is also difficult to search for anything specific since you can't do nested searches (that I could see.) I looked through all the ABIT stuff before I gave up and tried looking through all the motherboard listings, and gave up quickly there as well. A PCI card is about as expensive as the slot 1 motherboards these days.

I did try to use the updated drivers, but i still had a problem installing. Either XP would still block it to do an upgrade, or the system would freeze when copying files for a wiped drive install. (The system is Ghosted so I can try anything.) Any advice on a quick fix would be appreciated. Thank

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