(unsafe) Converting char*[] -> char** for PInvoke call


Adam Clauss

I am using PInvoke to call a function from a native C library.
As one of its parameters, it takes an array of strings in the form of char**.

I put the call into an unsafe block and created my array with a char*[] type. However, the compiler complains that it cannot conver
char*[] to char** when I try to make the call to the native function.

How can I do this conversion? Or is there a better way than using an unsafe block (using a System.String[] perhaps?)

Mattias Sjögren

I put the call into an unsafe block and created my array with a char*[] type. However, the compiler complains that it cannot conver
char*[] to char** when I try to make the call to the native function.

Can't you change the parameter type to char*[] then?

Or is there a better way than using an unsafe block (using a System.String[] perhaps?)

It depends on what the parameter is for (input or output, who
allocates the memory and so on).


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