unsafe code in c#



Hi all,
i have created a unmanaged VC++ dll and then created a wrapper class
for it . i have included this wrapper class in my c# by using add
reference .The function takes ushort* as the input .i.e. i am should
pass a string as an input to the function

Function Prototype is this:
void WCConvertImg(unsigned short __nogc * ,unsigned short __nogc *);
now that I am facing problem in passing parameter to this function. I
tried first by using unsafe in C# and then with marshal class., I
cannot assign the address of string variable to ushort * variable in
C#, Its not allowed in managed code .
Gobu sk


you need to first pin the string on the heap and assign it to a char*, then you can cast the char* to a ushort*. here's an example

using System;
using System.Collections;

public class MyClass
public unsafe static void Main()
string s = "some string";
fixed( char* p = s )
for(ushort* p2 = (ushort*)p; *p2 != 0x0; p2++ )
Console.Write( (char)*p2 );


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