Unresponsive Database Window



Database Window=the window where you select Forms, Reports, Queries etc.
Here's one that has me pulling my hair out. It's a little thing, but it's
like a paper-cut! The tiniest thing 'hurts' the most. I haven't been able to
nail down a good way to reproduce this yet, because I can't seem to find
exactly what I was doing before hand. But here's the sitch:
After working in a database (SEEMS to be primarily after modifying forms,
reports etc.), close the objects on which work was being done, back to the
parent window with just the database window. It appears to have focus and to
be active, but if you click anything on it, an existing report or even the
Forms, Reports, Queries etc. in the navigation pane, or on the scroll
bar...nothing happens. The last object being worked on is still highlighted
(and it is the active highlight not the inactive shade it would have if the
window didn't have focus). If you become impatient and double-click ANYWHERE
on the window, even the scroll bar or the title bar, the last object will
re-open. Close that object, the database remains in focus but unresponsive.
All is not lost though...simply grab the title bar and move the window a bit
and ... bingo!... it's back in business. Like I say...a simple silly little
glitch but it's driving me crazy! Anyone else experience this? I cannot find
anything here, in the KB or anywhere about it and I'm hoping some of the MS
staffers see this post!!! I have only experience this with Access 2003; I've
never seen it any previous version. A little about the system:

Win XP Pro SP2
P4 3GHz 512MB RAM
ATI Radeon 9200
Logitech wireless KB & Mouse

If there are any other specs you would like to know about, please ask!



Were you able to test this more than once?

It almost sounds like there's still processing going on (like looping
through a large recordset in code) without using DoEvents inside of a
large loop.


I have just done some more testing. There is no processing going on since I
was only making some minor modifications to a form. And, yes, the same thing
happens. In particular, I have noticed that the form I was working on was in
the second column of the list of forms, so the window had scrolled to the
left when I selected it and opened the form. When I saved my changes, closed
the form and tried to scroll back to the first column to go to another form,
the scroll bar wouldn't work. This time I found I could click another object
collection (reports or whatever) and then back to the forms group and was
able to scroll without having moved the window. But most times I have to move
the window to get it to be functional again. Odd stuff!



It's the Windows XP Themes, which interfere with the Database window
scrollbars. You may turn off the Themes, or you may read about a few other
alternatives in the tip, "How to restore scrollbar movement in the Database
window when using Windows XP Themes." You'll find the link to this tip in
the "Fix its" section on the following Web page:




See http://www.QBuilt.com for all your database needs.
See http://www.Access.QBuilt.com for Microsoft Access tips.

(Please remove ZERO_SPAM from my reply E-mail address, so that a message
will be forwarded to me.)

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Thanks Camaro;

It's good to know this. But I don't use the themes anyway. Test drove them
in Win 95 and hated them anyway. So I've never bothered. I suppose it could
be something else in the BG though, so I may try exploring some of that. I
don't have much else running. I use an AV product from my ISP called Freedom
and I have a weather network thing that has my local weather and MSN
Messenger is often running. Other than that just a few system things for
mouse sound and the like. So it may take some investigating. Thanks again.

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