Unnamed text file lost during shutdown



I had some observational notes in an unnamed text file before I carelessly
shutdown my WinXP (SP3) Media Center computer. Does Windows name this file
with some designation and then save it somewhere? If so, then where could I
find this file?

R. McCarty

It varies by which application you were using. Word has a built-in
AutoSave function that might provide a Recovery of the file. Other
editors ( Notepad & Wordpad ) don't usually have any form of a
recovery or temp file that can be restored.
Any temp or workspace files would likely be in you profile temp
folder @ Documents & Settings\Login\Local Settings\Temp
These workspace files are usually found with a ~______ filename.
I'd say you'll be unlikely to find anything useful after a reboot, but
might be worth a look.


It was a Notepad file. Following your instructs, I checked the folder <Local
Settings\Temp>, but alas it's not to be found. Oh well, thanx for trying to


I had some observational notes in an unnamed text file
before I carelessly shutdown my WinXP (SP3) Media Center
computer. Does Windows name this file with some designation
and then save it somewhere? If so, then where could I find
this file?

One of the FIRST things to learn when using computers is to SAVE
your file after it has even as little as one byte in it, and to
either hit Ctl-S every few moments (thankfully this "save"
shortcut is not as "variable" as "save as" has turned out to be)
or use a text editor with auto save, set to as "often" as your
sanity is important to you.

I will never understand why so many people - who have more than
once lost 3-page emails, 10-page documents and image files which
they spent an hour retouching never manage to learn this simple

Bob I

In the future, try it this way. Right-click on the desktop or in the
directory of choice and select "New" then "Text File". That will create
the file, of course you still need to Save again after adding your text,
but at least you will have the file containing the file name.

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