unlocked cells in excel 2000 now locked when opened in 2003 why?



An existing excel sheet prepared in excel 2000 is password protected, users
allowed to select entries from validated lists in unlocked cells. Users with
excel 2003 can see the validated lists but if they try to select an item,
they are told that the sheet is protected and data cannot be entered. Looking
at the settings, the unlocked cells in 2000 are now shown as locked in 2003.
Is there a work round?

Dave Peterson

Are you sure those cells are unlocked in xl2k?

xl2003 is more stringent than xl2k. You could use data|validation in a locked
cell in a protected sheet in xl2k. xl2003 won't let you.

Debra Dalgleish posted this:

In Excel 2000 and earlier versions, you can change the selection in a
data validation dropdown, if the list is from a range on the worksheet.

If the list is typed in the data validation dialog box, the selection
can't be changed.

In Excel 2002 and later versions, neither type of dropdown list can be
changed if the cell is locked and the sheet is protected.

This MSKB article has information on the previous behaviour:

XL97: Error When Using Validation Drop-Down List Box


Thanks for the tip, your assumption was correct the cells are locked in 2000
and the data validation works, I can now adjust accordingly so all users can
work with the form.


I am struggling with this same issue. In 2000 I have the cells and the sheet
locked on purpose so that other users can not free type into cells instead of
using the drop down choices. But in 2003 - they cannot choose another
option. If I unlock the cells but keep the sheet locked - will they be able
to free type into those cells that I have used the validation drop downs?

Dave Peterson

If you set the data|validation to not allow it, you should be ok. (You can
change settings on the Error Alert tab.)

But be aware that data|validation breaks down if you copy|paste to that cell.

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