Unknown file at startup



Hi ,
when I boot my computer (OS=XP professional ) I get the desktop up quite

After the desktop comes up I cannot run any program for at least 2 minutes.
To find out the problem I have searched the Internet in vain and also looked
at which programs are loaded.
Most of these are the usual ones, like svchost.exe, taskmgr.exe,
explorer.exe but there is a strange one called Pupxpman.exe

I have been trying to look on the Internet what this file is for and have
been unable to so far

It sits in the system32 folder and occupies 5,492K in the startup processes

Hope someone can throw some light on this


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Locate the file, right-click it and select properties - does this tell you
anything about its origin? I only find one obscure reference to it (and it's
in German). If you are sure you got the name right, be suspicious, you may
very well have a trojan.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

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