Unix date format in Visual Basic.net


Marko Maehner


I have developped a PocketPC application with CF and VB.net. Now there
are some new features to implement and in one case I have to send a
request to a WebService with several arguments and one of them is the
current date in an unix format (seconds since 01.01.1970).

Is there a possibility or an existing function to convert the current
date (now()) to this date/time format? Has someone an existing code
snipplet for this?

Thanks in advance,

Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]

The easiest way may be to use the TotalSeconds property of a Timespan.

Something like:
Dim d As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Dim ts As TimeSpan = d.Subtract(#1/1/1970#)
Dim secs As Integer = CInt(ts.TotalSeconds)

To convert a "unix format" back to DateTime you can simply add the seconds
to 1/1/70

d = #1/1/1970#.AddSeconds(secs)

Note #1/1/1970# is a date literal, which is always month, day, year
independent of the current local...

I was thinking .NET had a 'function' to do this, however I am not seeing it
right now...

Hope this helps


..NET to Unix

Dim ts as TimeSpan = (DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970,1,1,0,0,0));
Dim unixTime as Double = ts.TotalSeconds;

Unix To .NET
(new DateTime(1970,1,1,0,0,0)).AddSeconds(unixtimestamp)


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