I implemented an Unit of Work pattern over a Entity Framework model
and I am able to use it as follows:
ISession session = EFContext();
ArticleRepository articleRepository = new ArticleRepository(ISession);
ProductRepository productRepository = new ProductRepository(ISession);
Article article = articleRepository.GetById(2);
article.Title = "New title";
So I submit all changes on session.Commit();
Now the problem is that I am using ASP.NET MVC as follows:
First I get a model by mapping an Article to ArticleFormViewModel and
return to the view (Html page):
public ActionResult Edit(Int32 id) {
ArticleFormViewModel model = Mapper.Map<Article,
return View(model);
} // Edit
In the form the ArticleFormViewModel is updated and posted:
[AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post), ValidateAntiForgeryToken,
public ActionResult Edit(ArticleFormViewModel model) {
Article article = Mapper.Map<ArticleFormViewModel, Article>
return View(model);
} // Edit
As you can see I create a new Article from the ArticleFormViewModel
but when I commit the session the Article is not saved ... For me it
is like the Article was not obtained from the session ...
Anyway, I am not sure what is the correct way to solve this Update
problem on an Unit of Work pattern.
Without the ASP.NET MVC example it would be something like:
ISession session = EFContext();
Article article = new Article { Id = 2, Title = "some title };
I know that article with Id 2 exists ... I need to update it but I
receive it from somewhere else and not by using the repository ...
I implemented an Unit of Work pattern over a Entity Framework model
and I am able to use it as follows:
ISession session = EFContext();
ArticleRepository articleRepository = new ArticleRepository(ISession);
ProductRepository productRepository = new ProductRepository(ISession);
Article article = articleRepository.GetById(2);
article.Title = "New title";
So I submit all changes on session.Commit();
Now the problem is that I am using ASP.NET MVC as follows:
First I get a model by mapping an Article to ArticleFormViewModel and
return to the view (Html page):
public ActionResult Edit(Int32 id) {
ArticleFormViewModel model = Mapper.Map<Article,
return View(model);
} // Edit
In the form the ArticleFormViewModel is updated and posted:
[AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post), ValidateAntiForgeryToken,
public ActionResult Edit(ArticleFormViewModel model) {
Article article = Mapper.Map<ArticleFormViewModel, Article>
return View(model);
} // Edit
As you can see I create a new Article from the ArticleFormViewModel
but when I commit the session the Article is not saved ... For me it
is like the Article was not obtained from the session ...
Anyway, I am not sure what is the correct way to solve this Update
problem on an Unit of Work pattern.
Without the ASP.NET MVC example it would be something like:
ISession session = EFContext();
Article article = new Article { Id = 2, Title = "some title };
I know that article with Id 2 exists ... I need to update it but I
receive it from somewhere else and not by using the repository ...