Unique Value property?



Help help help! Please... :)

Okay, I need to get a list of clients we've processed an order for during a
certain time period. The table lists each item a client had on their order,
so I will get multiple listings for a given client. I just would like the
total # of clients.

My problem is I can't figure out how the "unique value" property works..
It's a bad/slow morning for me, so I may just be temporarily dense here, but
I have to wonder if you set that property to yes, how does it know what field
you're even talking about? If that's not how it's supposed to work, um, then
how is it supposed to work?

I'd appreciate, of course, the flat out answer to my issue, too... in tiny
words cuz it's a bad day already.. :)


John Spencer

Unique value determines which values to return based on all the fields you
have selected to display.

If you display First Name and Last Name then you will get of list of unique
first and last names (the combination of the first and last name0)

If you display Purchase date in addition to the above then you will get a
list of all the unique combinations of First Name, Last Name, and Purchase

If you display First Name and Last Name and search by purchase date (but
don't choose to show it) then you will get a list of first names and last
names that made a purchase during the time frame specified without
duplicates of the first and last name.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Allen Browne

Create a query that uses just your client table.
Then use a subquery to select those who have an order in the period.

Something like this:

SELECT tblClient.*
FROM tblClient
FROM tblOrder
WHERE tblOrder.ClientID = tblClient.ClientID
AND tblOrder.OrderDate Between #8/1/2007# And #/31/2007#);

If subqueries are new, see:

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