Unique identifier of a WCE terminal



Hi group

I need to get a unique identifier of a terminal Win CE. Such as a MAC
I have try to use the KernelIoControl (C++ native) to get an ID but in my
actual plateform it is the same for all machins.

Have you got idea about that ?

thank you

Chris Tacke, eMVP

Check with the OEM. There's nothing that states that a unique ID has to be
implemented on a CE device, so it's possible that your device doesn't have
one (though if it's got an ethernet chip, the MAC would be available).

Chris Tacke
Are you using the SDF? Let's do a case study.
Email us at d c s @ o p e n n e t c f . c o m

Thomas Hall

Disregard my previous post. I didn't see that you had tried
KernelIoControl. The only downside to using the MAC address is the
possibility of the NIC being replaced. Some OEMs embed the device
serial number which you may have access to. If your device has an SDK
available, check the docs for something your OEM may have implemented
for a unique ID.

Thomas Hall

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