Unique Count sensitive to hidden/filtered rows




I need to count unique values in a list. I have many ways to do this (I am
currently using an array function {=SUM(IF(COUNTIF(A9:A1000,A9:A1000)=0, 0,
1/COUNTIF(A9:A1000,A9:A1000)))}, and that works fine.

But - I wish to be able to filter the list and have the function adjust to
only the visible cells.

I tried substituting the SUBTOTAL function for SUM in the formula above, but
I get an ERROR result.

I am willing to use intermediate columns if I must. Can anyone help?


Thanks for the reply, Peo. I tried using the following function (the one you
pointed to with my range substituted):


It looks like that requires numeric entries (MMULT function)? I get a #VALUE
error. I have text entries in the cells I am trying to count.

Any other ideas, anyone, or can you help me understand what I did wrong
translating the idea provided by Peo?

-- Ian


Thanks for the reply, Peo. Unfortunately, I must be doing something wrong. I
get a #VALUE error.

Doest the formula you referenced require numeric values only? I see that it
uses the MMULT function.

Thanks again!!! -- Ian




....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, not just ENTER.

Hope this helps!

Peo Sjoblom

Yes it does, but if you have let's say names in A2:A300 and use filter and
want to count unique names in the filtered list you can add a help column
and include it in the filter, i.e. in the help column put


copy down as long as needed, now include the help column in the filter and
filter on TRUE, then just count the TRUE with =SUBTOTAL(3,E2:E300)

where E2:E300 would be the help column with the countif formulas

will give you # of unique names

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