Uninstall WindowsXP



I have two WindowsXP (Home Edition, English version) installs on my pc
of the same license, (both have been activated) on two different drives
of course. By accident i put the first install on the wrong drive and
now want to uninstall that one. I found an option to do that by
starting in Safe Mode and then running the osuninst.exe from the
Windows\system32 folder, but the method fails. The error message i get
set that it is missing the necessary registration information. However,
even after registering the software with Microsoft i keep getting the
same error message.
Can anyone help me out ?

crime prevention

have you thought about just reformatting the drive you dont want it on

I have two WindowsXP (Home Edition, English version) installs on my pc
of the same license, (both have been activated) on two different
drives of course. By accident i put the first install on the wrong
drive and now want to uninstall that one. I found an option to do
that by starting in Safe Mode and then running the osuninst.exe from
the Windows\system32 folder, but the method fails. The error message
i get set that it is missing the necessary registration information.
However, even after registering the software with Microsoft i keep
getting the same error message.
Can anyone help me out ?



Hi, and yes, i thought about that. But since it is one of my
data-drives i would have to make a full backup first of about 150 Gb
and secondly i think that install will still show up at startup,
because it is not removed from the registry. Strange that there is no
easy way to just uninstall something you do not need. Would appreciate
any other valuable suggestion,


well, having a second o.s. that is functional can come in real handy when
your pc undergoes somekind of disaster.

Why not simply modify the boot ini and just rename that unused o.s. as maybe
"Spare or Backup OS". Then ensure your preferred o.s. is defaulted, that way
it will be easier for the pc to log you into it....

Then if one day if you can't log into your main os, you will have a backup
o.s. to log you in and will help with your recovery...


Well, thanks for the suggestion. I may do that, but it still leaves my
original question unanswered. So if you have a suggestion for
uninstall, it is still most welcome,

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