Uninstall second XP


Y. Belenky


I've installed two OS (both of them XP PRO) - first on C:\,
second one on D:\ (same HD). Now I would like to uninstall
second one (from D:\). The question is how to do this without
damage XP on C:\ and how to disable the boot menu? Can I just
delete WIN directory from D:\ and edit "boot.ini"?
Any recommendations ...


Tim Newton [MSFT]

Hi Y.B.,

Yes, that is exactly what you need to do. Just delete the Windows, Program
Files and Documents and Settings folder from the unwanted installation and
edit the Boot.ini. Just make sure you modify the correct entry in Boot.ini

Tim Newton [MSFT]
(e-mail address removed)

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Alex Nichol

Y. Belenky said:
I've installed two OS (both of them XP PRO) - first on C:\,
second one on D:\ (same HD). Now I would like to uninstall
second one (from D:\). The question is how to do this without
damage XP on C:\ and how to disable the boot menu? Can I just
delete WIN directory from D:\ and edit "boot.ini"?

Yes - but slightly slicker. MAke sure you are booted to the XP on C:,
and then delete that folder from D:. Now start - run MSConfig, and on
the Boot.ini page click 'check all paths'. It will see the entry for
the path you just deleted as no longer valid and offer to remove it from
boot.ini. That way there is no danger of deleting the wrong one


I have a similar problem. I have 2 hard drives. The C: drive is the system
drive. The D: drive is the boot drive. I have no data on the C: drive, and I
would like to remove it. However, Changing my now D: drive to be the system
drive does not work. Bootup tells me I need hal.dll in <windows
root>\system32. It is there on the D: drive. I have tried to manipulate the
boot.ini file on both C: and D:, to no avail.

How can I configure my drives and/or XP such that I can boot from the D:
drive and remove the C: drive?

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