Unhandled exception whatsit..


Peter Lux

I have a structure that has an index that's used for an array of bitmaps.
The structure is:
Public Structure stik
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
'Dim bm As Bitmap
Dim pic As Integer
End Structure

and the array:
Dim bmArray(10) As Bitmap

and I have them collected in an arraylist of
Dim Stik_es As New ArrayList

I'm trying to loop thru them with the following code:
Private Sub Render()
g = pb.CreateGraphics()
Dim ostitch As stik
For Each ostitch In Stik_es
ostitch = CType(Stik_es(0), stik)
hBit = bmArray(ostitch.pic).GetHbitmap()
nuBM = Image.FromHbitmap(hBit)
g.DrawImage(nuBM, ostitch.x, ostitch.y)
Next ostitch
End Sub

The line I'm getting the error on is hBit =
bmArray(ostitch.pic).GetHbitmap() Here's the error:
Unhandled exception - System.NullReferenceException
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

So what's null? The array is there, there are items in it. Might it be that
hBit (defined globally as
Dim hBit As IntPtr ) isn't initialized? I'm clueless.

Thanks in advance!!

Peter Lux

Well, I'm sorry in advance to the group.. I'm dumb!
1> ostitch.pic wasn't valid - index snafu.
2> could get the pic right from the bitmap, didn't need to grab a handle to
the bitmap..

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