Unexpected Windows Form appearing



This is odd, don't know how it happen (getting an extra form that
wasn't there before) but I've trying to clean this up and it keeps
appearing. Maybe someone can point me to the files to clean this up.

This is what I did and it was working fine for the last 3-4 days until

I have a class library DLL with a form in it.

'File: WildcatLoginForm.vb

Imports Wildcat.Net.Server.WcServerAPI
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class WildcatLoginForm
Private Sub btnLogin_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdLogin.Click

... some field validation ...

if not Connect() then
end if
Me.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
End Sub
End Class

I had separating all the methods and properties into a partial class
into new file called WildcatLoginHelper.vb:

'File: WildcatLoginHelper.vb

Imports Wildcat.Net.Server.WcServerAPI
Imports System.Configuration

Partial Class WildcatLoginForm
Public Function ConnectUser() As Boolean
... read the form fields, connection logic ...
Return True
End Function
End Class

What I am seeing in the solution explorer is a "Form Icon" and when I
double click on it, a empty form appears.

This was not happening before. The only form is WildcatLoginForm.vb

I can't say how this happen but I was playing with the My.Setting
using the example Michel provided with the Namespace My settings code
he provided added to the WildcatLoginhelper.vb

I think something got added to the designer files. I removed this and
even backed up and deleted the WIldcatloginHelper.vb but when I
added it back in the project, this empty form is still there.

It doesn't seem to affect the application, but this empty form is
still there.

Was it suppose to be there in the first place because it is a partial
form class?

I hope someone can follow this and explain/help clean whatever I have
to do.



I just repeated it with a new Windows form project with the Form1.VB
form class. I named the form "MyMainForm" and added one button to
differentiate it from any other form.

I then added a class to the project with the file name
MyMainFormHelper.vb and of course, the IDE created and open the new file:

Public Class MyMainFormHelp
End Class

I then made it a partial and remained the class to:

Partial Class MyMainForm
End Class

and sure enough, the MyMainFormHelper.vb now comes up with an empty form.

I guess this is normal?

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