Unexpected behavior: TypeConverter tc=TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(t);



I'm getting different behavior from what I would expect and was hoping
someone could clue me in. At run time I need to examine a property of an
object for a custom TypeConverter, then use that converter on a value.

Here's the deal:


TypeConverterAttribute a = (TypeConverterAttribute)attrs[0];

Type t=Type.GetType(a.ConverterTypeName);

//ok up to this point. Note that Type t is in an external assembly (it
shouldn't matter)

TypeConverter tc=TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(t);


//it didn't work?! The TypeConverter never got invoked.

I'm getting different behavior from what I would expect and was hoping
someone could clue me in. At run time I need to examine a property of an
object for a custom TypeConverter, then use that converter on a value.

Not that it should matter, but the TypeConverter I use looks like this:
public class FormatCurrency : StringConverter{...}

And the object property looks like this:


public Double CurrencyWithTypeConverter{..}


No, this is not the issue. Note that this line executes correctly:
Type t=Type.GetType(a.ConverterTypeName);

Thanks for trying :)

Sijin Joseph said:
If the TypeConverter is in a different assembly then you should use the
string overlaod of the TypeConverterAttribute ctor.

public Double CurrencyWithTypeConverter{..}

Sijin Joseph

I'm getting different behavior from what I would expect and was hoping
someone could clue me in. At run time I need to examine a property of an
object for a custom TypeConverter, then use that converter on a value.

Here's the deal:


TypeConverterAttribute a = (TypeConverterAttribute)attrs[0];

Type t=Type.GetType(a.ConverterTypeName);

//ok up to this point. Note that Type t is in an external assembly (it
shouldn't matter)

TypeConverter tc=TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(t);


//it didn't work?! The TypeConverter never got invoked.

I'm getting different behavior from what I would expect and was hoping
someone could clue me in. At run time I need to examine a property of an
object for a custom TypeConverter, then use that converter on a value.

Not that it should matter, but the TypeConverter I use looks like this:
public class FormatCurrency : StringConverter{...}

And the object property looks like this:


public Double CurrencyWithTypeConverter{..}


I found the solution:

TypeConverter tc=(TypeConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(t);

GetConverter() was the wrong approach.

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