UNDO become impossible after modifying SheeChange handler



Hi all,
I'm developing a c# excel addin and in order to make it work I have added a
new handler for the SheetChange event.
This handler modifies some global (addin scope) variables in order to
determine if some row/columns have been deleted and uses the UsedRange
After that it become impossible to UNDO the modification.

Could anyone help finding out the reason and fixing it?

Thanks a lot for the help,


Barb Reinhardt

This is not surprising. I think it's actually designed this way. I have
seen some code somewhere that allows for undo when an event is fired, but I'm
not sure where to find it.

Barb Reinhardt

I believe it's done that way by design. I know I've seen something around
that will undo programmatically, but can't seem to find it now.


Hi faffo
After running any macro the undo feature is gone until you do some other
manual changes in the sheet (just as it is when you Save or Autosave runs.

Hope this helps
Regards, Brett

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