Under the hood of DataReader

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yasutaka Ito
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Yasutaka Ito


My friend had a little confusion about the working of DataReader after
reading an article from MSDN. Following is a message from him...

<!-- Message starts -->
I was going thru DataReader in ADO.NET in MSDN and there is a confusion
regarding the buffering
of data in case of DATAREADER. The link for MSDN JAN 2004 is -

At this link, they say that :
Results are returned as the query executes, and are stored in the network
buffer on the client until you request them using the Read method of the
That's in the starting part of the article. Later in the same article, it is
said that DataReader provides unbuffered stream....

The DataReader provides an unbuffered stream of data..................
DataReader is a good choice when retrieving large amounts of data because
the data is not cached in memory.
So, there is no buffering in the primary memory going on but there is some
network buffer. If there is, where is the network buffer - in the NIC or
some Router or other Gateway... ??
And whether at all, data in case of DataReader is buffered or not.. ??
<!-- Message ends -->

The way I understood it is as follows, but wanted to confirm it with you
foloks before I rant foolishly. Would appreciate further inputs or
corrections, which I most probably need.

- data is streamed to the client machine and gets queued up until it is
processed or the data reader is closed
- application (that's making the request) is given the starting pointer to
the data coming in
- data consumed by the application is destroyed as it is used (by calling
the Read method), similar to electricity...
- term 'buffer' in the unbuffered means not getting buffered in the
application's memory space, as with DataSet

First, let's make sure we understand our terms.
1. Server is the database server
2. Client is the software getting data (the one that opened the connection).
This can be a fat client or a web app.

The method of the data reader is simliar to any fast forward (firehose)
cursor on the server side. The information is streamed directly from the
database. On the client, the reader will require some form of buffer to hold
the data. It is a very short term buffer, as it is cleared when the
connection closes (NOTE: Until GC, the memory is not necessarily cleared,
but the data is no longer accessible).

When the DataReader is read, each "row" is destroyed from the stream
(buffer) as it is consumed. When closed, or the connection is closed, all
"rows" are destroyed. There is no built in persistence of the data, ala a
DataSet, so the data effectively dies if you do not store it in your app

I know of a programmer who only uses DataReaders. He likes the perf. Problem
is his apps are much more complex and harder to maintain due to his refusal
to use a DataSet. I tend to err on the side of maintainability until I find
a perf problem. I would also caution anyone who decides that the ONLY way to
work with data is a DataReader, for performance reasons, as your app will
likely be maintained by someone who is not as educated (and perhaps not as
smart) as you.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!
I know of a programmer who only uses DataReaders. He likes the perf.
is his apps are much more complex and harder to maintain due to his refusal
to use a DataSet. I tend to err on the side of maintainability until I find
a perf problem. I would also caution anyone who decides that the ONLY way to
work with data is a DataReader, for performance reasons, as your app will
likely be maintained by someone who is not as educated (and perhaps not as
smart) as you.

I find DataReaders very simple to use, and mantain using two classes
implementing methods which create/destroy/query readers/dataconnections.
This way queries are done in few sentences and maintaining db code is a
matter of changing the class.

public class myDBConn {
var cStr = null; //connection str
public var dbLocation = "c:\\delo\\";
public var myConn : OleDbConnection = null; //connection

function myDBConn(db : String) { //constructor
cStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + dbLocation + db
+ ";";
myConn = new OleDbConnection(cStr);

function myDBConn(db : String, dbPwd : String) {
cStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + dbLocation + db
+ ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" + dbPwd + ";";
myConn = new OleDbConnection(cStr);

function Close() {
myConn = null;
} //class db connection

public class myRS {
var myCmd : OleDbCommand = new OleDbCommand();
public var reader : OleDbDataReader = null;

function myRS(dbConn : myDBConn) {
myCmd.Connection = dbConn.myConn;
myCmd.CommandTimeout = 20;

function Query(sql : String) {
myCmd.CommandText = sql;
reader = myCmd.ExecuteReader();

function Exec(sql : String) {
myCmd.CommandText = sql;

function Reset() {
try {
} catch (e) { }
reader = null;

function Close() {
myCmd = null;

} //class recordset
Miha, hello.

Of course this is not the way to go if you have a reason to implement
caching. Then I'd go for dataAdapter and a cached datatable.

Miha Markic said:
Hi Jure,

What about the data retrieved through datareader?

Miha Markic [MVP C#] - RightHand .NET consulting & development
miha at rthand com

I find DataReaders very simple to use, and mantain using two classes
implementing methods which create/destroy/query readers/dataconnections.
This way queries are done in few sentences and maintaining db code is a
matter of changing the class.
Let me clarify this a little: first of all, implementation details for
DataReader is provider-specific; we only provide guidelines of what would be
the expected behavior.

In order to describe the details of buffering, I'll pick the SQL Server
provider (SqlClient):

When you execute a SQL statement that returns rows, the server starts
sending rows to the client over the network in packets[1]. The client on the
other end consumes one packet at a time from the network. Every time you
call Read() on the reader, we see if we still have a full row of data in the
current 1-packet buffer; if we don't, we issue another network read and get
another packet and obtain the rest of the data for the row[2]. If you don't
call Read() for a while, we'll eventually have a packet on the client buffer
and a packet or two ready to be sent in the server buffer; at that point,
the server will stop producing data until we consume data from the client.
This means that there is no need to buffer the rest of the data because it
hasn't been sent by server yet.

Once you call Read() again, we discard the previous row and fetch the next
one from the packet buffer or the network, as described above.

Bottom line is that SqlDataReader will never buffer more than 1 packet worth
of data. You can even fine tune this further by using
CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess, which will cause the provider to fetch one
field at a time, instead of one row at a time.

[1] Default 8KB in size in 1.0/1.1, may (read will) change in future
[2] The the row is wide enough (i.e. many columns or very large values) a
single row may span many packets. In those cases, we may issue several
network reads for a single Read() call on the reader.
[note] "network" here may actually be shared memory if client and server are
in the same box, in that case there is no network, but the idea still

I hope this clarifies the internals a little. Let me know if you'd like to
dig into any other detail.

Pablo Castro
Program Manager - ADO.NET Team
Microsoft Corp.

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