Undefined function 'X' in expression

Feb 6, 2006
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I've got problem with that ever persistent "Undefined function 'x' in expression" that occurs when Access can't find the reference containing a specific function. This error message seems to pop up whenever I try to use expressions like =rand() or =concatenate in a query (but not =Left(), etc...). I've read through reams of threads discussing how to check and uncheck this and that library in Access' References list, but fiddling around with the references hasn't helped. I'm working on Access 2000 currently, and the Libraries in my References box are as follows (in order of priority):
Visual Basic for Applications
Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library
OLE Automation
and of course that pesky Utility
None of the Libraries are listed as "missing." If anyone has any ideas about how I can get rid of this error I would be very grateful. I should warn you that I understand VB code and SQL statements about as well as a pygmy marmoset would, so the simpler the better. Thanks!

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