undefined categories in outlook 2007



Can categories be made 'on the fly' for different areas of Outlook 2007 or
are the only options the global categories? Example, if I want to
categorize my tasks as "must" and "should". It wouldn't make sense to devote
a global categories to this because they wouldn't apply to any other area
like contacts or notes etc.

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

You can create them on the fly but they'll be available in all the other
areas since categories are universally applied


So, to make sure I have it correct: In OK 2007 all categories are now
global, unlike before when we could make them folder specific.


Thanks. So much of the advice of adding categories only for certain views is
now obsolete in 2007. For example, I know of one consultant that councils to
prioritize tasks not by date or with the built-in icons, but to add new
categories for tasks like "must do" "want to do" and now this can't be done.

Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]

Why do you think that? It never was possible to add categories only for a
specific folder or view.

What in prior versions was easier to do than in Outlook 07 is that you could
enter a category for just one single item. And if you wanted to use the same
category for another item then you had to enter it manually again. That was
a bad design as it often lead to having different words for the same topic.

Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Organize eMails:

Am Thu, 4 Oct 2007 05:10:02 -0700 schrieb robisongroup:


Thanks for your reply. It seems an "on the fly" category would show up on
teh category listing and could be reused, but it would have a (not in master
categories) notation behind it. But the upshot of it is that it's no longer
the case and better for it, as you said, because it keeps things more
streamlined. No replly expected and thanks.

Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]

It seems an "on the fly" category would show up on
teh category listing and could be reused, but it would have a (not in master
categories) notation behind it.

That's it. Categories, not in the master categories, only show up for the
one item it's assigned to. You can't reuse it.
But the upshot of it is that it's no longer
the case and better for it, as you said, because it keeps things more

It's still the case - but today it's not so easy to create such a category
as it was in earlier versions. If you receive an e-mail that has a category
that is not in your Masterlist of Categories then it still shows up as that.

Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Organize eMails:

Am Fri, 5 Oct 2007 04:02:02 -0700 schrieb robisongroup:

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